Holy Avtar Vani - Shabad No. 85
Beete nun lalchayiyan nazran naal takana maya ey;
Aunde samen de supne lai lai waqt bitana maya ey.
Nirankar nun bhul ke dhan te aas lagana maya ey;
Dikhlave di preet jata ke maan vadhana maya ey.
Moh vich fas ke sant sewa ton jee churana maya ey;
Riddhi siddhi karamat layi dhooniyan tana maya ey.
Brahmgyan bin jitna vi ey peena khana maya ey;
Tinn guna da jinna vi ey tana bana maya ey.
Varat nem such sanjam pooja daan karana maya ey;
Is maya ton mukt hon layi karam kamana maya ey.
Aap muhare jo kujh kariye bin maya kujh hor nahin;
Kahe avtar je satgur bakhshe maya da koi zor nahin.
To make others look back at past with greed and regret, is nothing but an illusion. To spend time dreaming about the future is nothing but an illusion. To forget God and rest hopes on worldly wealth is nothing but an illusion. To just pretend love for God and to increase one’s ego in due course is nothing but an illusion. To get entangled in worldly attachments and dodging the service of saints, is nothing but an illusion. To sit in meditation in hope to receive miraculous powers is nothing but an illusion. Bereft of God Knowledge, whatever one eats and drinks, is an illusion. The entire web of three characters (viz. tamoguna, satoguna, rajoguna) is nothing but an illusion. To advice fasts, rituals, piety, sternness, offerings and donations is nothing but an illusion. To perform religious practices to seek relief from these illusions is further more an illusion. Whatever one does of one’s own mind and will is nothing but an illusion. Avtar says if the True Master liberates, then no illusion can have any influence.